Journey Collection
Dear You
Dear You

Thank you.
Thank you so much for reading,
Thank you so much for learning about my work,
Thank you for becoming a part of my journey.
I am so grateful that Kotoba Jewellery
was able to reach you in this lifetime.
It is a miracle to meet you,
one out of billions.

I hope this collection was able to connect, comfort and empower you.
I hope that you can feel less alone in this journey of yours.
I hope these pieces can become a part of your life,
to company you in your journey, and remind you
no matter what chapter you are in right now,
there will always be a next chapter.
Keep going and don't forget to enjoy all the scenery in your Journey.

Thank you for starting this brand new chapter of Kotoba Jewellery with me.
This collection is just the beginning !
I am excited to share with you the future chapters of Kotoba Jewellery.
I hope you will be there :)
Lots of love to all of you,
- Hoi Yi

Journey Collection
Chapter 0 - Welcome to my Journey
Chapter 1 - Hills and Valleys
Chapter 2 - You
Chapter 3 - Dream
Chapter 4 - Steps
Chapter 5 - Twists to Shapes
Chapter 6 - Transition
Chapter 7 - Rough to Polish
Chapter 8 - Dream like clouds
Chapter 9 - Journey
Chapter 10 - Tears
To be Continue.